mubeena mohammed
i will help you turn your manuscript into the tale of a lifetime
So you have a manuscript waiting to be discovered. Congratulations! You’re about to dive in to the big bad world of the developmental editing process. What now?
Let’s take a step back and look at your story from the inside out.
What are you doing really well? Are your characters strong enough to move the plot forward? Is the structure of your novel serving its goal? What needs to stay and what needs to go? Does your story start at the right place?

Come out sane, inspired and ready to enter the publishing universe – before typing The End and hitting Send.
editing Packages
manuscript evaluation
Big Picture Feedback
5-page Editorial Letter
Structure and Voice
Events and Characters
Plot and Pacing
Story and Genre
Up to 65k Words
starting at
developmental edit
Full Developmental Edit
15-page Editorial Letter
Comments and Tracked Changes
Manuscript Evaluation
Structure and Voice Analysis
Event and Character Analysis
Plot and Pacing Analysis
Story and Genre Analysis
Up to 80k Words
starting at
premium edit
Full Edit with Zoom Calls
25-page Editorial Letter
Developmental Edit
60-minute Zoom Call x 2
Revision x 1
Book Coaching Session x 1
Writing Craft Feedback
Specific Issue Advice
Up to 90k Words
starting at
work samples
Happy Clients

“Mubeena’s comments and suggestions have helped me delve deeper into plot and characterization, which has lifted my story to the next level to get the attention of agents and publishers. She is an excellent developmental editor and I’d recommend her very highly.”
Padmini Sankar, Author, The Mother of All Parties

“She has a keen eye, picking up minutiae which the writer may have missed. Mubeena’s input on the story arc and development of characters has been invaluable, making the plot flow effortlessly. A highly skilled and patient editor who makes the process fun and enlightening. She has my strongest and most confident recommendation.”
Sandeep Adnani, Author, The Exiled Rogue Series

“Mubeena is excellent. She is a thorough reader and shares her insightful reactions in a candid and thoughtful manner helping writers move forward with their work. Any writer who uses her would be fortunate.”
Morgan Baker, Editor at Morgan Baker
got a question? It may be answered here.
What exactly is developmental editing?
This type of editing is the first stop in the editing process after you have completed your manuscript. I analyze big picture issues and make suggestions about what will make your book the best it can be in terms of how you’re telling the story, your author voice, pacing, plot, characters, structure and any salient writing craft issues. I look at whether there are any logical omissions and ensure that your work flows artistically. It is a macro look at the substance of your manuscript before you get down to cosmetic changes.
Do you copyedit, line-edit or proofread?
No. My specialty is the content of your story and how effectively your book conveys the themes and messages to your audience, following the conventions of your chosen genre. I will however point out craft issues such as voice or awkward sentences if it is a recurring area that I believe needs fixing in your manuscript overall. But you will have to take care of those issues physically yourself.
What genres do you work with?
My editing work covers the fiction space with thrillers, women’s fiction and literary fiction. I also work in non-fiction specifically academic papers and business books. However, my range is wide because of my attention to detail, so if you’re not sure if I’d be a good fit, please reach out and ask.
What makes you a developmental editor?
It may surprise you that my love for words on the page and telling stories that resonate comes from my background in the corporate world. A large part of my corporate career depended on creative writing and persuasion through story-telling targeted to distinct mindsets. But most of all, I care about how your story comes across to your readers and what they will eventually get out of holding your book in their hands. The best way to find out if my expertise is right for you is to download some of my work or order my sample edit exclusively through Fiverr. For $5 get me to edit your first five pages. Then let your heart and mind decide.